MIAMI (CBSMiami) – Residents in Miami-Dade have begun tasting chlorine in their tap water and it is perfectly safe, the county says.

The county announced last week that starting on November 8, the Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department would temporarily change its water chlorination method for its drinking water for a two-week period.

Officials said that free chlorine, instead of the standard combined chlorine (chloramine), would be used during the treatment process.

The county said this is part of a routine procedure regularly scheduled each year in partnership with the Florida Department of Health in Miami-Dade County and the Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources (RER).

Officials said the temporary addition of free chlorine will not cause any adverse health effects.

Also, keep your eye on your pets’ water bowl, if they don’t drink the tap water, you will want to give them bottled water.

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People requiring dialysis, owners of tropical fish, and managers of restaurants and stores with fish holding tanks are encouraged to seek professional advice, the county said.

Additionally, county officials said there would be brief periods of lower than normal water pressure or instances of cloudy water. They advise to run the water for three to five minutes until the water runs clear.