A week after The X Factor showed exactly how the show put together One Direction, the music competition series is sharing the original, extended cut of Harry Styles‘ audition as a solo artist.

Although it was Styles’ soulful, a capella rendition of Stevie Wonder‘s “Isn’t She Lovely” that made it to air back in 2010, he actually first brought a Train song to the stage — and now, that moment has been unearthed and uploaded to YouTube.

The then-16-year-old Styles sang the group’s 2009 earworm “Hey, Soul Sister” for the judges, but Simon Cowell wanted to hear his voice without the distraction of the track.

“I don’t know whether it’s the track that’s throwing you, but can I hear something just you, without any music?” Cowell asked. Styles then launched into the Wonder classic, which ultimately moved him on to the next round.

The previously unseen footage from The X Factor also includes some banter about Styles’ former weekend bakery job — where, he said, Viennese fancies and millionaire’s shortbread were the top picks — and how his “mum’s always” told him he was a good singer.

“I think I could do it, but I think with your help I could be a lot better than I am,” Styles said.

Watch the full audition below.