Adorable 4-year-old Maliya Kabs is charming everyone with her beautiful rendition of Selena’s anthem “Bidi Bidi Bom Bom.”
The now-viral moment was caught on camera by her dad who is sitting in a car with his daughter as she shows off her multilingual skills. After becoming overwhelmed by her dad’s questions and his disbelief in her ability to speak multiple languages, she asks: “Can I just put on my songs?”
She starts blasting “Bidi Bidi Bom Bom” and belts out the catchy chorus and instructs her dad to sing. “Canta” she tells her father, who is surprised that his little girl would even know the Spanish lyrics to this song. “It means sing,” she explains to him.
It wasn’t just “Bidi Bidi Bom Bom” that was “one of her songs.” Maliya goes on to sing “Como La Flor” with so much emotion while her dad, visibly shocked, watches her daughter sing along to Selena.
Maliya is a member of the UK-based Kabs Family, whose popular car singalongs have amassed millions of views on social media.
Watch the adorable moment below: